Add an advisement note

userEducator Xello productXello 3-5 Time2 minutes

Write an Advisement note on a student's Xello profile to keep track of your notes, resources, and meeting summaries with them. This is a useful way to organize and monitor their progress, and it can also improve collaboration with other teachers, and communication with your student and their parent/guardian.

Your notes will sit on the student's profile in your educator account for you to review. A note can be up to 2000 characters. If you'd like to add more, upload a file to the note to attach longer documents and relevant resources. Only you can edit or delete your own.

You can select who can view the note. Keep it exclusively to yourself, or allow other educators, the student, and the student's parent/guardian to view the note as well. If you allow other educators visibility, only those at your school who have a Xello account and can see the student's profile can read it. This means educators with Limited access can only view the notes on students assigned to them.

As you and other educators add notes to a student’s profile over the years, it might be helpful to narrow the list of notes by using the filters. You can narrow it by who created the note, or by category. The available categories to apply to a note are:

  • General
  • Personal advisement
  • Post-secondary planning
  • Academic success
  • Activities and experiences

To add an advisement note to a student's profile:

  1. In the search bar located at the top of any page in your educator account, enter the student's name or ID.
    Search bar in Xello educator account highlighted with cursor hovering
    Click to enlarge
    Search bar in Xello educator account highlighted with cursor hovering
    tipTip: Alternatively, from the left menu, click Students and select Student list to browse the full list of students.
  2. Click on the student's name. The About student tab of their profile opens.
    Click to enlarge
    pointer hovering over search bar
  3. Click the Advisement notes tab.
    Click to enlarge
  4. Decide who the note will be visible to. You can choose to make it visible only to yourself, to other educators who have a Xello account at your school, the student, and to the parent/guardian of the student. Optionally, add a meeting date and category.
    Click to enlarge
  5. Fill out the note and add any files.
  6. Click Save.