How students access an assignment

userEducator Xello productXello 6-12 Time2 minutes

After an assignment is created from an educator's account, students can immediately access it in the Assignments section their dashboard in Xello. Students complete the assignment by filling out the text box, or uploading files of various types. Once students submit their work, educators can review it, provide feedback, and mark it as reviewed.

How students access an assignment:

  1. On their dashboard, students view the Assignments section to see what you've assigned.
    Click to enlarge
  2. Clicking on the assignment link opens details including instructions, the date the assignment was posted, its due date, and any attachments posted.
    • Attachments open in a new tab.
noteNote: If you added prerequisites, the assignment will show as "locked" until they finish the required activities. Once they've completed the prerequisites, they'll be able to view the assignment details.
How students access the assignments they've been assigned