Create Educator Data Files

userXello Admin Xello productAccounts Time2 minutes

Before you begin, for a reminder on the file structure notes and automating subsequent exports, check out Build Data Export Files. new tab

Build the educator data files by following the format indicated below.

FYINote: This setup integration depends on your school's subscription service. If you're unsure if your school has this setup, reach out to your Xello Success Manager.

Educator (.txt or.csv)

This file identifies all educators for schools or districts that will use Xello. Educators not included in the data file for the integration will be deactivated.

Each educator will be on a separate row.

noteNote: If educators need access to more than one school, the educator should be listed on multiple rows: one row for each school they need access to.
Column Name Type Description
FirstName char(100) Educator's first name.
LastName char(100) Educator's last name.
Email char(100) Email address for the educator. This will also be the educator's username.
SchoolCode char(15) School code for the school(s) the educator should have access to.

Note: A value of DISTRICT will give the educator access to the region set in DSAdmin.
Permissions char(25) Defines the educator access level in Xello. Values for this field will be:

Administrator OR 1,
User OR 2,
LimitedAccess OR 3

Note: Blank indicates default value of LimitedAccess.
EducatorSISId char(25) The unique Educator ID for the educator.
JobTitle char(100) Job title for the educator.
DisplayName char(100) Known to students as.
UserClaim char(50) User claim for SSO integration.
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John|Doey||abc|1||Language Teacher|Mr. Doey|